East Finchley keeps Happening



East Finchley keeps Happening



Fabulous contributions from the local community and lively performances brought life to the High Road last Saturday, with over a hundred ideas pegged up with inspiring thoughts about shaping the future of our High Road.

A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to our washing line of postcards about how to transform the wide pavement on the High Road. The event was part of the London Festival of Architecture 🡢, organised by East Finchley Town Team 🡢 and MillsPower Architecture. Uplifting performances animated the space along with vivid conversations between local residents, children, community leaders, Town Team members and architects. Young local talents Gloria, the trumpeter and Fixation Academy’s Matilda 🡢 drew the crowds, with local musicians Yuliia Humeniuk and Dayvid Grant performing on accordion and guitar.

The lively, open air workshop showed yet again the potential of the wide pavement to become a really great public space. The ideas and footage 🡢 will be used to take the next steps to create a fun and useful heart for East Finchley for everyone.

We’re part of #LFA2023 🡢 ! The London Festival of Architecture is a month-long celebration of architecture and city-making, taking place every June across London. When it comes to the places and public spaces we spend time in, what can we learn from what we do and don’t have #InCommon 🡢 ?

Follow East Finchley Town Team 🡢 and MillsPower 🡢 on Instagram for updates and get in touch with us 🡢 if you have any new or further thoughts about how to transform our High Road.






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