Chew Stoke Village Hall


Flexible facilities for activities, events, celebrations and a base for the Parish Council

A community building with low running costs for a small Somerset town. The high-roofed design is inspired by the tradition of the Saxon ‘moot hall’, a shared building open to all members of a local community, and is intended to be both dignified and enjoyable. With the internal organisation of the hall we have aimed for a rich simplicity of form; a flexible and versatile volume that will cater for a complex spectrum of community needs.

The main hall can accommodate an audience of over 100 people, a badminton court, provision for a temporary stage (and green room), and could be used as a cinema, recital room, exhibition space, and for meetings and talks by local clubs and societies. The hall could be hired out for dances, parties and wedding receptions. The raised green room area can be closed off from the main hall and used as a small meeting room or crèche. Ample storage for chairs, tables, piano, play equipment is provided. On the south side the aisle of the hall opens to the garden through sliding windows for outdoor events.

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