International Institute for Environment and Development


Organisations evolve and change, IIED wanted to evaluate how their space met current needs 10 years after first moving in

We held a structured series of workshops, talks and events to engage all the staff from facilities to admin and researchers to hear and assess whether spaces met current needs. Online collaboration and more flexible working styles had significantly increased the need for smaller bookable spaces to support individual staff maintain a collaborative atmosphere. We anticipated the trend to facilitated home working before it became more the norm during the pandemic!

IIED’s offices were originally refurbished by Phyllida when a partner with Penoyre & Prasad 🡢 The move to open plan workspace 10 years before had met the challenge of creating a single shared environment for this research led organisation and was part of a change management process that enabled more collaborative working between four distinct research groups. Desk spaces supported by a variety of informal spaces; café, club, cubbies, meeting rooms and auditorium, increased the occupancy rate and collaboration across the business. It also created a welcoming environment with a strong identity for staff and international research partners.

Read the about the project in FXmagazine’s article ‘Faith, hope and Clarity’ from the November 2012 issue 🡢

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Shortlisted for the British Council for Offices Award






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Static and dynamic content editing

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How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.