What if you just focus on air quality?



What if you just focus on air quality?



Can all policy decisions be developed from wanting to improve air quality?

Our model of the High Road for our stall at the East Finchley Town Team’s Sustainable High Road event in September was the focus for conversations about improving air quality as well as sustainability locally and East Finchley’s carbon footprint. 

The issue that was raised again and again was the desire to see air quality improvements 🡢. What does this mean for policy makers? Perhaps deciding to slow the speed of traffic to reduce particulates, say by introducing raised tables where there are crossings. Maybe cars could be given 30 minutes free parking in fewer bays all with electrical charging points. Other spaces would be freed up for parking bicycles and planted swales to reduce surface water run off, or create pleasant sitting areas outside the cafes and bars. 5 or more bikes can be parked in one car’s space, meaning potentially 5 times the number of people spending time and money on the High Road improving business’s turnover 🡢. With fewer cars, less noise and better air, the wider part of the pavement could become more of a ‘town square’ for East Finchley, hosting markets and events, drawing the community closer together and attracting newcomers. Improvements driven through thinking about air quality could bring improvements in the quality of the High Road, as well as people, businesses and sustainability. 

The East Finchley Town Team 🡢 includes local organisations, N2United 🡢, East Finchley Community Trust, East Finchley Festival 🡢, The Archer 🡢 and East Finchley Open Artists 🡢. EFTT's next event involves music on the High Road on the weekend of 28th/29th January 2023.






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